Why You Should go to the Annual CounterPulse Gala: A Biased List by Justin Ebrahemi and Jesse Hewit
  • By: Justin Ebrahemi

Posted on April 25, 2019

  1. Because San Francisco industries are hemorrhaging artists, and CounterPulse safeguards resources for YOUR artistic community.
  2. Because you know that things can just be so much better than what they are.
  3. Because all your most brilliant friends will be there.
  4. Because we’re going ALL OUT with the Innerspace theme and transforming our building into a queer starship. (You like toasting and dancing under beautiful intergalactic starry skies, right?)
  5. Because silvery, futurist, industrial-ish, fantasy FASHION LOOKS.
  6. Because CounterPulse has one of the most diverse audience and artist demographics in San Francisco, and our staff is diverse and cute af.
  7. Because you haven’t made out at CounterPulse yet (…or you have and it was the best, so…seconds please).
  8. Because over 40% of our audience is LGBT+ and that ain’t no coincidence.
  9. Because we’re one of few organizations that supports deep creative risk-taking and often-underrepresented artists (many of which are QPOC), whose work is obviously the key to any future we want to live in.
  10. Because you could get in for the price of two drinks at your favorite bar, and enjoy an open bar all night. (SPACE PUNCH, ANYONE???)
  11. Because there will be spectacular performances and live art throughout the evening, which will inevitably make you feel excited and inspired to live a gorgeous life.
  12. Because of the intergalactic array of surprises at the Silent Auction. Treat Yourself! Treat Someone Else!
  13. Because you’re hella inspired by TenderArts, our rich neighborhood arts program of/by/for the Tenderloin, and you know that THIS is the future of collective accountability.
  14. Because we’re CounterPulse. You love us because we matter…not just to the performing arts, but to San Francisco and the space we all co-inhabit within this strange and ever-changing territory.
  15. Because you get it, you care, and you’re here to shake shit up with us.
  16. Because your commitment NOW will ignite radical arts in the next lightyear…

Innerspace: The Annual CounterPulse Gala is on Thursday, May 16. Get tickets at counterpulse.org/innerspace

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