
19 Jul, 2023

CounterPulse Presents ARC Combustible 2023

2023-11-14T17:00:07-08:00By |Categories: Combustible|

[Custom Object] lip-sync//dance by Ambrose Trataris aka DestroyHerr & Digital Milk: Metaphase 0 by Driven Arts Collective. September 7-9 & 14-16, 2023 // 80 Turk St, SF SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- CounterPulse’s 2023 ARC Combustible program presents [Custom Object] lip-sync//dance by Ambrose Trataris aka DestroyHerr and Digital Milk: Metaphase 0 by Driven Arts Collective. [Custom Object] lip-sync//dance puts drag performance in conversation with virtual reality to explore the expansive possibilities of the [trans]gender body. Digital Milk: Metaphase 0 prompts

20 Dec, 2022

ARC Alumni Artist Spotlight: Pseuda

2023-04-26T16:29:48-07:00By |Categories: Combustible|

Written By: Alyssa Miller As queer performance art becomes more mainstream nationally and in San Francisco, it is important to recognize and support those queer artists who are eccentric even within their own communities. Drag performance artist Pseuda embodies the essence of unconventionality. They incorporate dark imagery and themes that are not common within the queer performance art community, such as working with technological mediums and the incorporation of villain archetypes in their drag personas. Pseuda is constantly evolving so

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