Artists in Residence

6 Apr, 2010

omfg and other hysterical things

2016-03-18T22:41:55-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Laura Arrington|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Before getting into much let me say I am beyond humbled and thrilled and terrified and ecstatic about this residency. First, the staff at Counterpulse are amazing. This feeling of being supported is both delightful and totally foreign, but it's a feeling i could get used to. so first, and for real THANK YOU to all the CP folks. Second, I can't believe Joe Goode will be mentoring this project. I dont even have words for this... more on that

6 Apr, 2010

April 6th, twothousandandten…

2016-03-18T22:47:04-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Jesse Hewit|Tags: , |

Writing that title makes me remember my self-scripting teacher in undergrad, Rosemary Quinn, and how she would so clearly and ritualistically STATE the date at the opening and closing of each of our sessions. It has stuck with me. And its funny, I use it for all sorts of things. When I'm having a sad or rough patch in my day (or week or year for that matter), I tend to find some sky to look up at, and I

25 Mar, 2010

A Notion of Home

2010-03-25T22:05:25-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Kendra Kimbrough Barnes|Tags: , |

I am both inspired by and gracious for the opportunity to be a Winter Artist in Residence at CounterPULSE. I have been creating work for over 13 years and realize, that just as in life, there is never a time that an artist does not need support. The moment I stepped into the studio for my first rehearsal I knew I was standing on fertile ground that would help nurture and hone my creativity while working on this piece.  What

25 Mar, 2010

The final week

2010-03-25T09:52:39-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Jose Navarrete|Tags: , , |

This is the last week of our residency here at CounterPULSE. It has been a honor and a great opportunity for us to be part of this residency, helping us to continue doing our work. The support and help we have received from CounterPULSE staff is invaluable, from their thoughtful feedback to the solutions of our tedious technical matters. Thank you so much for that. Lastly I would like to share with you a video we did last week exploring

14 Mar, 2010

Why focusing on Water?

2010-03-14T23:57:59-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Jose Navarrete|Tags: , , , , |

By José Navarrete In 2007 I went to India, and on that journey I experienced everything from horror to beauty: magnificent palaces and temples contrasting with the utmost human misery. Throughout it all, water was at the core of this gigantic human drama. On the one hand, there is a scarcity of the resource due to industrial overconsumption, and on the other, there is flooding due to the building of dams which, far from satisfying the thirst of millions of

11 Jan, 2010

Begin Again…

2010-01-11T03:54:34-08:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Kendra Kimbrough Barnes|Tags: , , |

I am humbly accepting of the opportunity to participate in the 2010 CounterPULSE AIR program! I titled my first posting Begin Again because I am thrilled to have just finished a piece (in November) and have support in place to immediately begin the process once again (in December) to share and expand my love for choreographing! My 1st rehearsal was actually on Monday December 14th. I came away feeling excited and hopeful as the space just felt so nurturing and productive!

2 Jan, 2010

From Beijing to San Francisco Report

2010-01-02T13:28:40-08:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora, Wang Fei|Tags: | The world premiere of “From Beijing to San Francisco” – a newly commissioned multi-disciplinary work for the guqin developed by Wang Fei, the Founder and Director of NAGA – was performed to great critical acclaim in the Performing Diaspora Festival at CounterPULSE in San Francisco on four consecutive nights from November 19 to 22, 2009. It was well received and played to a full house almost every day. Wang Fei combines her unique talents as a guqin player and

15 Dec, 2009

Rituals: Violeta Luna and José Navarrete

2009-12-15T06:08:11-08:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Jose Navarrete|Tags: , , |

December 2nd was the fist rehearsal at CounterPulse with Violeta Luna and I. I was a little worried to start since I did not know how Violeta ‘s creative process was in the studio. Before this day we met regularly once a week for the past three months. We created the narrative, brainstormed our ideas, coordinate and organize our meeting with our collaborators and so on. During those meeting we identify 4 characters for each one in regards of our

27 Feb, 2009

More food for thought on the making of “…our daily bread”

2016-03-18T22:37:05-07:00By |Categories: Amara Tabor Smith, Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , |

So, next week my company and i will perform our new work "...our daily bread" that is this exploration of food and cultural identity. Forgive me if what I am about to throw down reads a bit like a high school essay that would begin with "what I learned......". But what has been the deepest revelation for me in this creative process which has included talking to and eating with my family, is that the part of my food identity

24 Jan, 2009

What’s Cookin’ So far……

2016-03-18T22:37:24-07:00By |Categories: Amara Tabor Smith, Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Homepage Links|Tags: , , , , |

My company Deep Waters Dance Theater is in the process of making this piece we are calling, "...our daily bread". We are exploring the ways that food shapes our cultural identities, how we all have food stories and folklore that ties who we are to the food we eat. We are also looking at how our disconnection from our food sources is impacting our health and environment. So, we are in the process of finding ways to bring these stories

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