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So far jez has created 61 blog entries.
19 Dec, 2007

Replaying Lost Landscapes: Film Fragments of San Francisco

2007-12-19T20:00:00-08:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Talks|

December 19 Rick Prelinger of the Prelinger Archive and Library returns to reprise his popular show from last year, with some new surprises. Drawing from silent and early sound films, exuberant early 1960s city views, diverse home movies and industrial films, this program includes rarely-seen views of San Francisco and invites the audience to help identify mystery scenes. Bring your parents!

12 Dec, 2007

Save the News!

2007-12-12T20:00:42-08:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Podcast, Talks|

December 12 Newsrooms are hamstrung by the business practices of Wall Street and Big Media, even as newspaper circulation declines and TV news continues the race to the bottom. Both the San Francisco Chronicle and San Jose Mercury News recently laid off large portions of their newsroom staff. The Internet is vulnerable to the same marketplace compromises. Explore alternative business models to ensure journalism remains a lively piece of our civic life. Barry Parr (, Mercury Center founder), Michael Stoll

28 Nov, 2007

Food Security & Urban Agriculture

2007-11-28T20:00:02-08:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Podcast, Talks|

November 28 Our food system is being refashioned by new urban farmers, farmers markets and community-supported agriculture, and importantly, by savvy shoppers who demand local, organic and safe food. Still, food security is tenuous for too many of our neighbors. Amy Franceschini (Victory Gardens, past and present), Willow Rosenthal (City Slicker Farms), Jason Mark (Alemany Farm, and editor of Earth Island Journal) podcast:

14 Nov, 2007

Public Commons vs. Corporate Privatization

2007-11-14T20:00:22-08:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Podcast, Talks|

November 14 With Mayor Newsom trying to give away the city’s wi-fi space to a corporate consortium, efforts by Bechtel and other private contractors to take over our public water system, the ongoing scandal of PG&E selling us our own “public” power and their current efforts to take over alternative power, incessant pressure to privatize the public schools, a national culture that blindly accepts corporate interests as preferable to public interests, we’ll talk about how the San Francisco Bay Area

24 Oct, 2007

New Green City Politics

2007-10-24T20:00:44-07:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Podcast, Talks|

October 24 What are the historic roots of our current ecological politics, how have they shaped today’s environment and the questions we face now? Open space, biodiversity, global warming, fresh water, street design and transit choices, urban farming... local historian Dick Walker (“The City in the Country”), Kearstin Krehbiel (SF Parks Trust), Peter Brastow (Nature in the City), Keirstin Dischinger (Bike Kitchen) podcast:

21 Oct, 2007

Slow Food: Feast of Fools and Friends

2007-10-21T20:00:49-07:00By |Categories: Events|

October 21 Come to our biannual feast of locally produced delicacies; join a community gathering with speakers, video clips, performances and a meal you’ll never forget! $50-100 sliding scale to benefit CounterPULSE.

17 Oct, 2007

Art & Politics: Hugh D’Andrade

2007-10-17T20:00:52-07:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Podcast, Talks|

October 17 Hugh will present a slideshow of his diverse body of work, ranging from rock posters to anti-war flyers to original paintings, and talk about the ways his politics have informed his art—and vice versa. ( podcast:

10 Oct, 2007

The Trouble With Voting

2007-10-10T21:31:58-07:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Podcast, Talks|

October 10 Does voting matter? Do you urge everyone around you to vote? What kinds of power do we gain or lose by participating in elections? What else can we do? We’ll hear from folks who believe in representative democracy, those who propose reforms, and those who reject it outright. Michael Med-o Whitson, Natasha Marsh (Calif League of Young Voters), James Rucker ( podcast:

26 Sep, 2007

Wet Infrastructure: How and Where Should San Francisco Get Water?

2007-09-26T20:00:02-07:00By |Categories: Free Events (donations welcomed), Podcast, Talks|

Sept. 26 We’ll look the possibilities of a radically different relationship to our local water supplies, including our aquifer, creeks and rainfall. But most of San Francisco’s water is supplied by the Tuolumne River, which flows through a series of reservoirs, aqueducts and tunnels to our taps. These facilities are being rebuilt now, along with yet another massively expensive sewer system overhaul. Joel Pomerantz, Spreck Rosenkrans (Environmental Defense Fund), Ruth Gravanis. podcast:

19 Sep, 2007

Art & Politics: Mona Caron

2007-09-19T20:00:35-07:00By |Categories: Archive, Podcast, Talks|

Sept. 19 Inaugurating a new “third Wednesdays” series at CounterPULSE, Mona Caron will present a slide show of her famous murals and many other works, talking about the politics of her art, and her ideas about the relationship of art and politics. podcast:

12 Sep, 2007

“$56 million a year and Where’s The Art?”

2007-09-12T20:00:04-07:00By |Categories: Talks|

Sept. 12 From city arts entitlements to grantmaking by private foundations, big money is spent on the arts in San Francisco. Funders struggle to be fair, while local artists and arts organizations are torn between their creative mission and market forces. This event is co-sponsored by Independent Arts & Media as part of the annual Expo for the Artist and Musician. With San San Wong (SF Arts Commission), John Killacky (SF Foundation), Frances Phillips (Walter & Elise Haas Sr. Foundation),

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