An Invitation to Lunch
  • By: Grey Tartaglione

Posted on August 29, 2022

an invitation to movement research
performing diaspora @ counterpulse

audio version / large print

investigating the perils and possibilities of embodiment for Asian settler/diasporas

When “home” is mired in dispossession and when the diasporic is entangled with the settler colonial how and where do we move, collectively?

What started as a personal journey to learn about my late grandmother’s folk dance practice has led to an expansive desire to reckon with the shared embodied lineage of settler colonialism in Asian diasporas. The more I learned about my grandmother’s dance, the more I found myself confronted with the fraught relationship between migration, settlement, and lineage. How have we inherited settler colonialism in our bodies as a modality of moving/being? What might be the kinesthetic strategies to denaturalize and destabilize the settler body and its movement tradition?

If you are an (East/Southeast/South) Asian diasporic person who lives on Ramaytush or Chochenyo Ohlone land and who are interested in these questions, I invite you to go on a lunch date with me and discuss the possibility of collaborating on a performance project in the context of the Performing Diaspora residency at CounterPulse in December 2022—the lunch is on me! You may come from all kinds of creative backgrounds—people who move, make, create, design, devise, perform, and/or organize. You may work with different creative mediums —movement, sound, text, visuals, and/or materials. In terms of methods, you will be open to improvisation, creative exploration, and other process-oriented ways of making/doing. The base compensation will be $900.

The deadline for this LOI has passed. Make sure to get tickets for our 2022 Performing Diaspora Residency featuring June Yuen Ting!

[Image description: A Google-Map street view of a building turned upside down. The brick-red building has 4 stories, with window
bars and signboards in Chinese. A street lamp appears in front. Behind the building, the sky is cloudy and grey.]

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