Daily Archives: September 16, 2009

16 Sep, 2009

Returning to the “Door of No Return”.

2009-09-16T13:25:12-07:00By |Categories: Colette Eloi, CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , |

I wonder if my ancestors imaged that their children would ever come back home to Africa. After experiencing being captured beat, chained together and walked miles and miles from their homes, ancestral lands, family, language, culture, religion, food, flora and fauna to sit and wait in a dungeon. To be taken to a place on boats named “Jesus” and such. The slave dungeon in Elmina, Ghana is called a castle ironically enough and a church sits on top of it.

16 Sep, 2009

CounterPULSE and Dancers’ Group present 2nd Sundays

2009-09-16T14:00:26-07:00By |Categories: Events|Tags: , , |

Sun. Sept. 13, 2pm, Free September's salon of emerging & established choreographers features an investigation of process from Here Now Dance Collective/Michelle Fletcher, Intrepid-Shelley Davis and Dancers probing extremely personal questions of religion and prayer, and Minna Harri's exploration of what emerges out of a moment of impromptu creation. Photo by Quinn Wharton—Here Now Dance Collective

16 Sep, 2009

Rembetiko by Kunst-Stoff

2009-09-16T14:06:08-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora, Yannis Adoniou|Tags: , , , |

Rembetiko is a type of music and lifestyle that was developed by the Greek refugees that lived for countless generations in Turkey and then were forced to move back to the motherland of Greece because of the threat of genocide. Yannis Adoniou Catherine Clambaneva and Leonidas Kassapides are exploring the style and importance of Rembetika by dissecting their own disciplines of dance, song and shadow theater and creating a new language so that the audience can feel in their heart

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